Wills Wing

Oz Report

Volume 26, Number 11
Thursday, January 20 2022
Wilotree Park, Groveland, FL, USA
"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

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Wed, Jan 19 2022, 5:55:55 am MST

Graeme Henderson|Robert John "Bob" Martin

"Graeme Henderson" «graeme.r.henderson» writes:

Bob Martin worked with Graham and Wally Bird designing the Flight Sails Shark.  The Shark was the first delta glider to beat the Fledgelings at the World Champs at Bepo in Japan.

I bought the first one and it was a bastard to turn so we put spoilers on it. I can assure you they were not put on just to compete against the Fledgling, that thing scared the daylights out of me a few times when nothing I did would get it to turn.


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