Wills Wing

Oz Report

Volume 19, Number 229
Tuesday, November 17 2015
Quest Air, Sheets airfield, Groveland, Florida, USA
"Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."

to Table of Contentsto next topic Here's what happens to your body when you down an energy drink

Mon, Nov 16 2015, 7:59:20 am PST


Systolic blood pressure (the top number in a blood pressure reading): 6.2 per cent increase.
Diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number in a blood pressure reading): 6.8 per cent increase.
Average blood pressure: 6.4 per cent increase.
Heart rate: None.
Caffeine in blood: Increase from undetectable to 3.4 micrograms/mL.
Norepinephrine level (the stress hormone, which can give you the shakes when you have too much caffeine) in blood - increase from 150 pg/mL to 250 pg/ML.

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to Table of Contentsto next topic A flock

Mon, Nov 16 2015, 8:00:14 am PST
Of paragliders


Escaping from a cu-nimb?

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to Table of Contentsto next topic Measure distance in Google Maps

Mon, Nov 16 2015, 8:00:39 am PST
Not just Google Earth

Right click on the Google Maps display window at the location of the start of your distance measurement.

Click Measure distance.

Click the end of the distance measurement.

To move the end or start of the distance measurement drag of the circles at the ends of the ruler.

To inert an additional point, drag the ruler from a point between the two ends.

Or click a new end past the last end.

To clear the measurement right click the Google maps display window and click Clear measurement.  Or just click on the end of the ruler to remove that point or the whole ruler if only two points.

Play with it to learn about it.

Discuss "Measure distance in Google Maps" at the Oz Report forum   link»

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